Hair Loss Solutions and the Process of Digestion
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Intermittent fasting is a powerful and old fashioned approach to eating that is becoming very popular because it can help you stabilise your metabolism, lose weight without feeling hunger, plus help reduce your risk of disease. When followed correctly with base nutrition in place, intermittent fasting can also lead to better sleep and lots more energy.
So far, research is supporting that the ‘three meals a day’ is not really how we should or were designed to eat. It is rather interesting how modern society has dictated when we should eat to suit schooling and working environments. The approach of intermittent fasting may do wonders for your health if it suits your lifestyle, metabolism and body type. Intermittent fasting and scheduled eating was practiced by our ancestors, since they did not have availability or access to food that we have now, so it’s not a new fad.
Hair Loss Solutions and the Process of Digestion:
- Intermittent fasting is an eating plan where you adjust your normal daily eating time frame to be within certain hours
- Allowing a longer window of time without food without cutting calories
- The suggested timeframe to eat is between 12pm and 6pm but some can push it out to 8pm and still feel the benefits
- This allows the body the full function of elimination in the mornings whilst adding back fluid balance
- In the mornings drink water, tea or even black coffee (no sugar) and listen to your body, wait to see when you really get hungry, you may be surprised
- When you do feel hungry, drink more water, you could also have a piece of fruit but once again wait till you feel hungry again before eating your first meal
- Keep in mind if you are one who needs breakfast or feel faint or unwell at any time you should eat
For the purpose of alkalising and using the green drink for Absolique hair loss treatments, intermittent fasting suits many people with lots of healthful stories floating back to the clinic, as well as healthy hair growth of course. However there are some things to be aware of when practising intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is not calorie restriction. It’s should make you feel good and if it is making you feel unwell, you need to stop. Contact Absolique Hair Health Clinic Trichologist Carolyn Evans for more information about Hair Loss Solutions and the Process of Digestion. Email or call our reception team on 07 3229 3242. Remember diagnosis is the key to getting results from hair loss treatments.
Fasting in various forms has been common practice throughout history and has formed some traditions. Today modern science has proven that fasting delivers many health benefits check them out here with Dr Mercola, one of my favourite health resources:
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